Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wedding Personal Training - Top Wedding Mini-Workouts

{Posting by Alice Cowen, Before the Big Day's Personal Trainer & Nutritionist} In the run up to the summer wedding season, I'm always hearing excuses from brides-to-be that they have no time to exercise. With favours and flowers to organise, and table plans to design, I'm not surprised you're feeling busy, but there's always time for those all-important mini wedding workouts. All you need to do is work out how to squeeze them into your daily routine, and you'll love how they help you drop those extra pounds. Below the pic are my Lucky 13 Top Wedding Mini-Workouts.

{Photo Credit} Ben Field Photography via Heart Love Weddings

1. Use the stairs instead of the escalators or lifts
2. Walk or cycle to work {get off the tube one stop earlier}
3. Ditch your cleaner and get scrubbing your house
4. In front of the TV in the evenings, do 20 press ups, and 40 crunches every evening
5. Go out for your lunch break for a half hour walk
6. Use your weekends well - go to the gym, or take up a sport with your husband-to-be
7. When you go out to a club, don't sit and drink, get up and get down on the dance floor
8. Get gardening, grow your own fresh veg
9. Don't fight for a parking spot as close to your destination as possible, park a little further away and WALK
10. When going on a date with your fiance or with girlfriends, don't book a lunch or coffee, instead suggest doing something active {yoga, swim, bike ride, horse ride}
11. Need the toilet and you work in a big building? Choose one on a different floor and walk up the stairs.
12. While dinner is cooking, pick up your dumbbells and do 10 minutes of strength training
13. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier and go for a 15 minute jog

P.S. If you really want to drop the pounds, and you've only got a few months to go, try a long weekend at my amazing Bootique personal training house in Majorca. Stay in 5 star luxury whilst enjoying a tailor made fitness and wellbeing regime. Come for a week, and you could loos 8lbs!


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  1. Aren't they gorgeous! I love a pair of Converse on a bride!

    Editor, Before the Big Day


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