Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Win $100 off Your Wedding Stationery

Another week, another fantastic wedding competition for my lovely Before the Big Day readers. One of the first fun details you'll choose for your wedding day is your wedding stationery, and you want to get it right, because it sets the tone for your whole big day. You want to get your guests exciting about your wedding as the party of the year, and your wedding invitations has the power to do just that! The only problem is that really good, creative wedding stationery is often super-expensive. Only yesterday, I had to explain to a friend and bride-to-be, that bespoke designs can cost up to £6 per invitation, and that's before the RSVP card, and any extras {whew!}. The good news is that companies like Minted are here to save the day. They have fabulous, original wedding invitations and unique Save the Dates for you to personalise as you wish. The even better news is that here on Before the Big Day I have $100 on Minted stationery to give away. All you have to do Like Before the Big Day on Facebook, and leave a comment below saying which of Minted's designs you like the most! I'll be picking the winner on 8th April at midday, so get commenting!

♥ Want more wedding competition ideas? ♥ Or how about vintage wedding ideas? ♥
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  1. Wow what a fab giveaway! I think my favourite design is the leaf specimen one! I love the Celebrate wording and the colours are perfect for our early Autumn wedding!
    THanks for the chance to win Georgia!

  2. I love the Ombre Wedding Invitations, http://www.minted.com/product/wedding-invitations/MIN-16Q-INV/ombre, they're perfect for my destination wedding this summer!

  3. I really like the Lapham & Thomas one as our wedding will have guests travelling to London from all over the world so something along those lines will be perfect! Thank you! Laura

    1. Huge congratulations to ☆Laura D☆, who's won $100 off her Minted wedding stationery!

      Laura - please get in touch - I need your email address to send you the details!

      Editor, Before the Big Day

  4. Would love to win this! There were so many great ones to choose from. I really loved the grainfield http://www.minted.com/product/wedding-invitations/MIN-11U-INV/the-grainfield

  5. Huge congratulations to ☆Laura D☆, who's won $100 off her Minted wedding stationery!

    Laura - please get in touch - I need your email address to send you the details!

    Editor, Before the Big Day


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