Saturday, 14 April 2012

Whimsical Hand-Drawn Wedding Invitations

As soon as I posted a picture of this gorgeous hand-drawn wedding stationery on my Facebook page, I had a huge response from brides, so I wanted to share it with all of you who haven't quite found us on Facebook yet. They have to be some of my favourite wedding invitations of all time! They even have a kite invitation...I reckon kites are going to be a huge wedding trend this time next year. Completely bespoke, and handmade by Etsy seller Ello There, I'm in love. For more kite-themed loveliness, check out my Pinterest boards.

♥ Want more wedding stationery ideas? ♥ Or how about vintage wedding ideas? ♥
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  1. These really are gorgeous! God I love etsy so much... thank you for finding these, I never have time to play on etsy but I really, really should. Especially if these cute wedding invites are anything to go by!

    Claire xx

    (ps thanks for liking my wedding infographic :)

  2. I really love hand-drawn wedding stationery, thanks for your posts!

  3. Wow! Such a beautiful and really creative wedding invitation. Thanks for sharing this to us. This adds more ideas.


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