Sunday, 8 April 2012

Wonderful Wedding Blog Links

Happy Easter! My husband's been at work all weekend, which has been a little sad, but it means I've got tonnes of wedding fabulousness sorted out. I'm halfway writing through my wedding inspiration sessions for The In Wedding Show {buy tickets, sign up & come and meet me!} on 22nd April. I've reorganised the plants on my roof terrace, painted my nails mint, sold a piece of unwanted {horrible red} furniture on eBay and reintroduced my body to the rigours of Bootcamp Pilates {ouch}. I've also spent hours of wonderful downtime exploring the incredible creativity that is the wedding blogging world and I feel stuffed to the brim with wedding inspiration. Can't wait to share it all with you over the next few months! It's also been a great week on Before the Big Day.... You might have noticed that I've started posting twice a day - eek! Fingers crossed I'll be able to keep it up, with the help of my lovely team of wedding experts, and my fantastic new wedding blog assistant, Fleur. We'll have more fabulous features, more inspirational real weddings, and more wedding giveaways, so stay tuned! In the meantime....enjoy these wonderful wedding blog links.

{Product Credit} Happy bunny by Zygopsyche

♥ If you love Before the Big Day, you'll love Reverie Magazine

♥ How would you use these carnival tickets on your wedding day?

♥ Want to be a cool princess? DIY your crown!

♥ A fabulous detail-filled English wedding by Caught the Light, who took my wedding pictures! {via wedding blog 100 Layer Cake}

♥ Get the look - a vintage circus wedding plus a couple who actually held their wedding in a Big Top! {via wedding blog Green Wedding Shoes}

♥ WIN a $100 off your Minted wedding stationery thanks to Before the Big Day!

Fun food tips for your wedding day {via wedding blog Green Wedding Shoes}

♥ How would you use ribbons on your wedding day? Inspiration via Pinterest.

♥ Lovely equestrian-themed wedding stationery.

♥ WIN a 'Pocket Wedding Planner' book thanks to Before the Big Day!

♥ Oh my! Loving this autumn wedding inspiration shoot! {via wedding blog Green Wedding Shoes}

♥ DIY Neon Easter inspiration that would totally work for a wedding

♥  A truly lovely red garden wedding inspiration board {via wedding blog Snippet & Ink}

♥ Want wedding theme ideas? ♥ Or how about vintage wedding ideas? ♥
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Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.

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