Monday, 7 May 2012

Lovely Secret Garden Vintage Key Themed Stationery

When it comes to wedding themes, it's often difficult to choose your favourite. I know that I found it super-hard to pick between an Alice in Wonderland wedding theme, and a Secret Garden wedding theme. In the end my wedding venue, with its walled garden and secret chapel made the decision for me, and we used a vintage key motif throughout our wedding stationery and favours. We designed our own stationery, but I wish I've found these gorgeous wedding invitations by The Paper Sentiment. I'm loving the texture of the paper, and the combination of fonts, plus the grey, pink and gold colour palette. Do take a look at graphic designer, Carrie Beach's other wedding stationery sets - they're all as gorgeous as each other!

♥ Want more wedding stationery ideas? ♥ Or how about wedding theme ideas? ♥
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