Saturday, 16 July 2011

That Friday Feeling Wedding Web Links ♥17

Anyone else pining for a summer holiday? My Boy and I aren't going to get one till September, because we took two weeks for our wedding in May. If only we could have a decent stretch of sunshine in the UK, it would make the weekends feel like mini-holidays, but the clouds keep creeping across the sky. Rainy days are forecast for this weekend, so snuggle under your duvet and enjoy all these wedding blog web-links.

{Photo Credit} Alice B Gardens

♥ Cute easy-peasy DIY heart lavender bags {seriously, anyone could made them!}

♥ Cheap and cheerful picnic wedding

♥ I've long-loved Toast, and they've got 60% off - woohoo!

♥ Clever escort cards {what we call place markers} for an artistic wedding

♥ Win a Luxe Guide for your honeymoon via wedding blog OMG I'm Getting Married

This wedding proves it doesn't matter if it rains on your wedding day.

♥ One of the best DIY weddings I've seen in a while. Full of rustic inspiration.

♥ A hot air balloon wedding theme.

♥ A selection of gorgeous buttonholes for your groom

♥ Loving the topiary in this wedding, who would have thought inspiration could come in the form of a hedge!

♥ Chic Ocean-style for your honeymoon.

And....the best bits from Before the Big Day this week....{if we do say so ourselves}

♥ All the pictures from my London wedding - Part 1 and Part 2

♥ Before the Big Day's very own DIY budget bride

An Alice in Wonderland themed wedding

If you enjoyed this post, why not sign up for our free newsletter and click for more Friday Feeling wedding web links. Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.


  1. Just wanted to say great job with the blog, today is my first visit here and I’ve enjoyed reading your posts so far.

  2. I adore this wedding! So many cute details and enjoy all these wedding blog! Also love that the artistic wedding!!

  3. Really beautiful wedding. Love is truly in the details. It's a great collection. Thanks for the sharing.


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