Showing posts with label Wedding Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding Recipes. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Your Rainbow Wedding Diet

{Posting by Alice Cowen of Fitness DNA, Before the Big Day's Personal Trainer & Nutritionist} If you're finding it hard to focus on your wedding diet, here's a fun, simple and easy way to eat more healthily. I call it The Rainbow Diet. Not only is it super-slimming to eat more vegetables and fruit, but if you eat a multi-coloured diet, you'll be getting a mixture of antioxidants, which are the clever substances believed to lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, and memory loss. Different colours contain different kinds of antioxidants, hence a rainbow diet gives you the best all round nutritious diet. Each day try and eat something from each of the colours of the rainbow!

{Photo Credit} David Malan

Red such as tomatoes, red grapes, red onions, beetroot, peppers, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, radish, watermelon.

Orange such as squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges, tangerines.

Yellow such as yellow squash, turmeric, mustard, yellow pepper, banana, sweetcorn.

Green such as spinach, asparagus, avocado, artichoke, broccoli, peas, beans, apples, grapes, kale, sprouts.

Blue such as blueberries

such as grapes, aubergine, purple carrots, plums.

Try it and see how you feel after a couple of weeks.

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Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Your Wedding Day Diet - Virtually Fat-Free Raspberry Muffins

{Posting by Alice Cowen, Before the Big Day's Personal Trainer & Nutritionist} As you plan for your wedding, you may well be dieting, but everyone needs a treat every now and then, and this recipe for fat-free muffins is AMAZING! Great as a snack or for breakfast, you can eat one without feeling guilty, and they really are super-easy to bake. If you don't like raspberries, you can use chopped apple instead. Just take a look at the instructions and the ingredients below, and get baking!

   Put flour, sugar, oats, baking powder,                                               Grate the carrots
   baking soda and nutmeg into a large mixing bowl

   Mash the banana                                                         Add the egg to the dry ingredients....

  Then the raspberries, banana, carrot and                       Gently mix all the ingredients together adding
  olive oil as needed                                                       the milk

   Add the mixture to muffin cups....                                  And bake in the oven for 20-25mins at 200º C


3 medium sized carrots
1 banana
3/4 of a cup of plain flour
1/2 cup brown flour
1 cup of oats
1 cup of frozen raspberries
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
approx 1/2 cup of skimmed milk
3 tablespoons of olive oil

 ♥ Want to see some wedding recipe ideas? ♥ Or how about wedding exercise ideas? ♥
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Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Before the Big Day Personal Trainer - Healthy Eating Tip

{Advice from Alice} A power smoothie is a great way to start the day. This particular drink is quick to make and full of goodness, with protein from the yoghurt, two of your five a day in the raspberries and a banana, and oats to keep you full all morning. It's low fat and super good for you - a great way to start your wedding diet! Don't miss Alice's other wedding personal training blog posts for Before the Big Day.

For one Power Smoothie, all you need is:
1 small bowl of fresh or frozen raspberries
1 glass of skimmed milk
1 0% bio fat free yoghurt
1 tbls runny honey
1 banana
1 cup of oats
apple juice for consistency

If you enjoyed this post, why not sign up for our free newsletter and click for more wedding diet ideas. Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Welcome Before the Big Day's Wedding Personal Trainer

Exciting news! Now that Before the Big Day is over 5 years old {my baby, so big!}, it's time for this boutique wedding blog to get growing! I'm all about roping in as much wedding expertise as possible, because I want you to be able to plan an exquisite wedding, with tonnes of beautiful details to make it stand out from the crowd. But I also want you to feel your very best! So.....{drum roll}....I'd like to welcome Alice Cowen of Fitness DNA to my wedding blog team. Alice is a personal trainer to the stars {actual proper famous people you see in Hello!}, and she's also a nutrition expert. She specialises in weight loss, body sculpting and toning, and she's agreed to be Before the Big Day's Personal Trainer - woohoo! I reckon nearly every bride and groom wants to drop a few pounds before their big day, and Alice is going to help us on our way to body-beautiful. She'll be posting diet tips, fat-free recipes, fabulous toning exercises, and inspirational features that will make getting wedding-fit easier.

{Photo Credit} Butler-Madden Weddings

If you enjoyed this post, why not sign up for our free newsletter and click for more wedding fitness & diet ideas. Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.
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