Monday, 13 June 2011

Real Farmyard Country Wedding: Emily & Ryan

You know the saying 'never work with children or animals'? Well the opposite is true for weddings. The best weddings feature small children dressed as pageboys or bridesmaids, plus a completely random but cute creature of some sort. My obsession with the tequilla donkey is long-lasting, but I've also featured weddings with camels, horses and even an elephant, and they're all amazing. This wedding has goats and a dog in a bow-tie, so it gets a double tick in my book. Then throw in a sprinkle of 'country chic', a dollop of rural charm and tonnes of shabby-chic details, you're talking something pretty special. Check out the stunning pictures, published with thanks to Simply Bloom Photography.

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1 comment :

  1. Wow! fantastic location and some great images. Terrific looking day!


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