Saturday, 16 April 2011

DIY Bride - How To Make Bunting

Are you signed up to Daily Candy? If not, then you're definitely missing out! They send me an email every day, and they're bursting with ideas for weddings, parties, culture and shopping. I was particularly impressed with yesterday's mail, as it contained a DIY Wedding Bunting tutorial. Bunting is very much the decoration du jour, I've bought meters of it from eBay for my wedding, but if you're the crafty type, then you'll love this lesson. {Picture Credit: by Youngna via Poppytalk}

You will need
Card, Pencil, Ruler, Pinking shears, Fabric (felt or paper), Pins, Needle and thread (or a sewing machine)
Ribbon (wider than 2 cm), Iron

1. Make a triangle template out of card to ensure all your bunting flags are the same size (we recommend 30 cm long).

2. Use the pencil to trace triangles onto your chosen fabric. Mix and match materials or colours for a quirky touch. (Make sure to rotate the template each time you draw another triangle to minimize wasted fabric.)

3. Use pinking shears (they prevent fraying) to cut the fabric triangles. Repeat until you have enough flags to stretch across your space.

4. Cut a piece of ribbon the length of the space you want to hang the bunting. Fold it in half from top to bottom. Iron to keep the fold in place.

5. Space the flags evenly along the ribbon, putting the top edges of the flags inside the fold of the ribbon. Pin in place and then sew using either a machine or secure backstitch. Leave at least 40 cm on either side to hang the bunting. (If you are using paper, simply staple the flags to the ribbon.)

6. Hang indoors or out. And get ready to party.

If you enjoyed this post, sign up for our free newsletter and click for DIY wedding ideas


  1. How big would you usually make your triangles and how far apart to space these is best? xx

  2. I make my bunting triangles 6 inches tall, with a 6 inch gap between each pennant! Good luck with your DIYing x


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