Thursday 17 February 2011

Real Vintage Countryside Wedding: Laura & Michael

As a wedding blogger, you see a lot of weddings, but every now and then one comes along that gets the little tears going. This is one of them. It's so beautifully photographed by Segerius Bruce, that as I scrolled through the pictures, I started to slightly damp eyes. Now you might call me soppy, but I challenge you not to look at these photos and feel the same way. Laura and Michael chose a summer wedding and it is chock-a-block of the most gorgeous wedding ideas. Laura should be awarded DIY Bride Queen after she went to Covent Garden Flower Market on the Thursday before her big day to select all her wedding flowers. All the table decorations were loving decorated by the bride and her family, which gives me huge inspiration {and reassurance} for my own wedding. Laura's theme was pastels, and all her bridesmaids wore ice-cream and sorbet shades, while the tables had names like sherbet pink and lemon drop. I've decided to split this wedding into two parts because there's just too many gorgeous pictures. Don't miss the next instalment for all the stealworthy wedding details and Laura's answers to the Before the Big Day Brides Questionnaire.

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  1. Lovely wedding - great photos by the fab duo as usual! Any cahnce you could find out who did the make up, please? Am seriously struggling in that area for my May wedding. Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much for your lovely comments about my wedding!

    Sarah, my hair and make-up was done my Claire Portman.

  3. Thanks so much, Laura! Just seen part 2 of your wedding - it looks beautiful, congratulations!

  4. Do you know where the bride got her gorgeous veil?


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