Monday, 5 March 2012

Before the Big Day Personal Trainer - Choosing Your Trainers

Alice: This is the second of my personal training blog postings for Before the Big Day. I'm here to help you get fit and toned for your wedding day. Read about me here, and check out my blog postings here. If you're new to training, or you're looking for a bit of a treat to motivate you, one of the first things you're going to need is a good pair of trainers. Did you know that if you exercise regularly you should be changing your trainers at least every six months? As soon as I meet a new client {even the famous ones}, I send them to a sports fitness specialist, because good trainers are essential to prevent injury. If you have bad knees, or aches and pains, re-consider the state of your trainers, as you don't want to be hobbling down the church aisle!

{Photo Credit} Monkey Puzzle Pictures

My favourite trainer specialist is Profeet in London, who specialise in custom-fitting shoes. You book an appointment, and they use cutting-edge technology like video gait analysis and pressure-plate foot scanning, to make sure you get the perfect fitting trainers. They might not be as glamorous as the Louboutins you've got your eye on for your wedding day, but they'll help get you looking fit and toned for your wedding day. Who knows, you might even slip them on under your wedding dress for comfort!

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