Thursday 20 February 2014

Introducing Brillpix Photography for Your Wedding

Brides often email me asking for advice on how best to spend their wedding budget, and in my view, your two top spends need to be 1. Your Wedding Venue, 2. Your Wedding Photographer. You want a venue that speaks for itself - somewhere beautiful, that doesn't need many decorations and details. That way, anything you add will be the fun cherry on top, rather than a necessity. A great venue will save you money - scrimping is a bad idea. The same principle applies to your wedding photographer. You need to allocate a decent chunk of your wedding budget to make sure you find someone fabulous. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and it's difficult to emphasise how important your wedding photographs will be to you after your big day! They will be EV-ERY-THING! And that's why I'm delighted to introduce Brillpix Photography. Steve Brill understands weddings, and he understands what brides and grooms want from their wedding photographer. As well as being brilliant {sorry, obvious pun!}, he's experienced, friendly, professional, and ridiculously passionate about his job. He really cares about his couples, and on your day, he'll be there when you need him, and quietly snapping fabulous shots when you don't! Brillpix Photography prices start at a very reason £995 for all day coverage, including a free engagement shoot {essential in my view!}, and all your edited photographs on a disc to print as you wish. Steve's based in Northamptonshire, but happy to travel across the UK, so snap him up fast!

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