Monday, 18 June 2012

Introducing Foto Noir - Luxury Wedding Photo Booth

When it comes to your wedding, the one thing I can guarantee, is that it will pass far too quickly. Our wedding lasted nearly 10 hours, but it still feels like it was over in a flash - everything sped up once we'd shared a couple of glasses of champagne! You're going to want as much photographic evidence of your wedding as possible, and while your wedding photographer will take all the lovely official shots, in my view a wedding photobooth is a must. Foto Noir is a luxury photobooth, which takes flattering {and hilarious}, black and white portrait pictures. Its subtle design fits in with every wedding style, even {as in the picture below} if your wedding is at The Savoy! Install it at your wedding reception and your friends and family will love it - we only had an old polaroid camera at our wedding, so I wish we'd discovered Foto Noir before our big day. The pictures are printed at the reception, so they work as brilliant wedding favours, as well as fabulous momentoes of your wedding day. Based in London, Foto Noir are happy to install their photobooth anywhere in the UK - book them now for your wedding day!

Picture Credits {above} Rebecca Goddard Photography, {all below} Foto Noir

Picture: Foto Noir neatly installed at a wedding reception at The Savoy.

Fabulous examples of Foto Noir pictures.

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