Saturday, 17 June 2017

My Top Three Winter Wedding Invitations

As I write this, it's 28 degrees outside and a beautiful summer day. But if you're planning a winter wedding, you've only got 6 months to go, and your thoughts must be turning to invitations. I'm a huge stationery geek, and I spent easily 70% of my wedding planning, scanning the internet for wedding invitation suites. I fell in love with graphic designers from Australia to LA, and eventually settled on designing my own. Remember your wedding invitation will get your guests excited about your big day - it really sets the tone - so choose wisely. Here are three of my current favourites for winter weddings - all from brilliant British designers.

{I want this!} Starry Night by Blush & Gold

{I want this!} Chalk Board & Stag Wedding Invitation Bundle by norma & dorothy

{I want this!} Highland Wedding Suite by Julia Eastwood

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