Saturday, 16 November 2013

Introducing Alice Cowen Personal Training for Your Wedding-Ready Body

Brides looking to slim down and tone up for the wedding are in for a treat! Before the Big Day's Nutrition & Fitness Editor, Alice Cowen is back from three busy years in Mallorca, and now available for personal training in the UK. Alice is a secret weapon for her celebrity clients, as she's known to whip people into shape in just a couple of months. She's their go-to girl for red carpet emergencies, and the perfect person to get your bottom walking-down-the-aisle ready, and your tummy honeymoon-bikini-flat! She sorted me out before my wedding, and although I felt the pain, I've never felt more confident as I did on my big day. So if you're looking for a last-minute blast ahead of your winter wedding, or a more gradual long-term figure-change for the summer, then take a look at her website. Alice is based in Dorset, but comes up to London three days a week, and she's also available for Skype training.....and if you think you can get away with cheating on the squats via Skype, think again! This girl is strict! Read more about Alice on her Bootique blog.

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