Sunday, 16 October 2011

That Friday Feeling Wedding Web Links ♥19

Talk about incredible weather! I can only imagine the smiles on the faces of the brides and grooms who've been getting married this weekend. It's autumnal bliss with a twist of summer sunshine. I've spent this week out in the countryside, and it's made me much more aware of the seasons changing. You can get tonnes of wedding inspiration from the season you choose for your big day. Spring, summer, autumn, winter - why not use one as the basis of your wedding theme? If that's got you thinking, wait for these fabulous wedding blog web links. They'll have your brain fizzing with wedding ideas.

Photo Credit - Heidi Ryder {many thanks to Jonathan from Bean Photo for his help using Tin Eye}

♥ Incredible packaging ideas you could use on your wedding favours, or just for Christmas presents!

♥  My new super-cute Facebook page, complete with clever landing page to welcome you. Please Like Me!

♥ The best selection of bridesmaid dresses ever seen at a Real Wedding.

♥ One for DIY brides - how to make your own paper-flower pomander.

50 wedding websites you can't live without {via Brides magazine}

♥ Wedding planner to the stars, Mandy Weiss, has a fabulous wedding blog.

♥ 10 ways to do Something Blue. This is how I did it.

♥ Confused about choosing a colour palette for your wedding day? There's a wedding blog for that.

♥ Puzzling over your wedding ceremony readings? Click and puzzle no more....

♥ Gingham, spots AND pompoms. I love this bride's style.

Plus my favourite features from Before the Big Day this week
♥ A gorgeous Alice in Wonderland themed wedding
Scottish wedding inspiration
♥ Worried it might rain at your wedding. Here's why you don't need to worry.

And don't forget, you can still WIN tickets to the Luxury Wedding Fair London. Click here.

Hope you're having a great weekend xx

If you enjoyed this post, why not sign up for our free newsletter and click for tonnes of Real Weddings. Before the Big Day - the Best UK Wedding Blog.

1 comment :

  1. Just added you on Facebook, great landing page. I really need to get one sorted for my Facebook page.

    And I love all the links, lots of lovely wedding inspiration. Your blog is a great diversion from the paperwork I really should be doing :)

    B Cake Studio


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