Sunday, 19 August 2012

My DIY Wedding Ceremony Template

So here it is - our wedding ceremony template. Please do feel free to use it as you wish, and I'd be interested in any improvements you make, or opinions you have on how to make it better. We hope it would work just as well for a same-sex marriage. You'll see that I've deleted some of the details of the vows, so that you can fill them in with your own personal promises.




{Insert details of music to be played while the guests are being seated here}

BRIDE ENTERS {Insert details of Bride's processional music here}


OFFICIANT: Please be seated.

Good afternoon, and welcome to VENUE on this lovely day. We are / I am OFFICIANT'S NAME, and we’re / I'm an old friend of the X family. We’ve known X since X, and we’re delighted to preside over X and X’s wedding ceremony.

The wedding rings are making their way around the congregation. When they come to you, please silently say a prayer, or wish X and X all the best in their married life. This is a tradition known as warming the rings. You’ll need to pass them on fairly quickly, because we’ll soon be coming to the vows, when we’ll need them back!

X and X understand that marriage is a solemn vow bonding two people together for life. They’re thrilled to be making this vow in front of you all today.

They’ve chosen several readings that are important to them, for this ceremony. The first will be ready by READER ONE.


READER ONE: This was the passage X read to X when he asked her to marry him.

From Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete."


OFFICIANT: X and X see marriage as the next step in their lives together, and it’s important to them that you’re all here today to witness this moment. X and X have written their own vows to each other. X, if you’d like to start.


I promise to love you with all of my being for as long as we live.

I promise to be your best and most loyal friend, to cherish you, to care for you [ ]

I promise to be romantic, [ ]

I promise to be a good companion wherever we are. And [ ].

I promise to be good company. There will be []

I promise to be a loving and caring mother should that day come. I'll

Lastly, I promise that we'll always be a team. What's mine is yours, financially, physically and mentally. We'll be [ ].

You are the person I've chosen to spend my life with and before all our family and friends today I want to say somewhat simply...I love you and I can't wait to be your husband.


I promise to love you with all of my being for as long as we live.

I promise to be your best and most loyal friend, to cherish you, to care for you [ ]

I promise to be romantic, [ ]

I promise to be a good companion wherever we are. And [ ].

I promise to be good company. There will be []

I promise to be a loving and caring mother should that day come. I'll

Lastly, I promise that we'll always be a team. What's mine is yours, financially, physically and mentally. We'll be [ ].

You are the person I've chosen to spend my life with and before all our family and friends today I want to say somewhat simply...I love you and I can't wait to be your wife.

OFFICIANT TURNS TO THE BEST MAN: Please could I have the rings

OFFICIANT: GROOM, will you take BRIDE, to be your lawfully wedded wife. Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only to BRIDE as long as you both shall live?


OFFICIANT: BRIDE, will you take GROOM to be your lawfully wedded husband. Will you love him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only to GROOM as long as you both shall live?



OFFICIANT: Before X and X exchange rings, we have two poems chosen by X and X, and read by READER 2 and READER 3.

The Orange, by Wendy Cope
Read by READER 2

At lunchtime I bought a huge orange —
The size of it made us all laugh.
I peeled and shared it with Robert and Dave —
They got quarters and I had a half.

And that orange, it made me so happy,
As ordinary things often do
Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park.
This is peace and contentment. It’s new.

The rest of the day was quite easy.
I did all the jobs on my list
And enjoyed them and had some time over.
I love you. I’m glad I exist.

The One by Christina Rossetti
Read by READER 3

When the one whose hand you're holding
Is the one one who holds your heart
When the one whose eyes you gaze into
Gives your hopes and dreams their start,
When the one you think of first and last
Is the one who holds you tight,
And the things you plan together
Make the whole world seem just right,
When the one whom you believe in
puts their faith and trust in you,
You've found the one and only love
You'll share your whole life through.


OFFICIANT: May I have the rings please. These rings, now warmed by those you love the most, are a symbol of your marriage. These rings mark the beginning of a long journey filled with wonder, surprises, laughter, tears, celebration and joy. May these rings glow in reflection of the warmth and love you have for each other.

TO GROOM: Take this ring, and placing it on BRIDE’s finger, say:
With this ring, I thee wed, pledging my loyalty, love and life.

TO BRIDE: Take this ring, and placing it on GROOMS’s finger, say:
With this ring, I thee wed, pledging my loyalty, love and life.


OFFICIANT: As X and X have consented to their marriage and have witnessed the fact before this gathering of friends and family, having made promises to each other, marked by the giving and receiving of rings, I NOW DECLARE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE. You may now kiss the bride!


OFFICIANT: X and X will now sign their wedding certificate, along with their two witnesses, while the string quartet will play Hornpipe from Handel’s Water Music.

{Music: Hornpipe from Handel’s Water Music}


OFFICIANT: Please all stand. X and X have chosen each other; they have declared their love for each other and their purpose to live together united as one. May they carry great peace and satisfaction into their marriage. And may they find today a new beginning together, with many years ahead of fruitfulness and joy.

I present, the new Mr and Mrs X!

{Picture Credits} All photographs by Chloe from Caught the Light

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