Friday, 18 June 2010

That Friday Feeling ♥ 7

Ooo, lucky number 7. Huge apologies for missing last week, I went dress shopping at the Jenny Packham sample sale {naughty}. I didn't find a dress, but I did buy a gorgeous gold sequin shrug, which glams up any outfit. I've had a very successful web surf this week, check out my fabulous finds, starting with these two fabulous photographs which made me smile. I want a giraffe at my wedding! {Credits - Giraffe: Max Wanger, Confetti: Celine Chaplin}.

♥ When something blue becomes everything blue, and rocks! {via Once Wed}
♥ A masterclass in using fruit at your wedding, in this case orange {via Ruffled}
♥ It's all about textual relations at this stunning vintage wedding {via 100 Layer Cake}
♥ Our very own Marianne Taylor on Style Me Pretty, with a fantastic London wedding
♥ Love, love, love this bride's ruffled dress from J Crew, and the groom doesn't look to shabby either! {via Rock 'n Roll Bride}
♥ And the bride wore....yellow? {via Once Wed}
♥ I'm seriously thinking of sending this DIY bridesmaids' cards to my own ladies

And if you're looking for some vintage Before the Big Day features, you can't do better than these archive postings.....
Being British theme
Rubber Stamp your big day
♥ A gorgeous rustic eco wedding

Love these links? Check out more Friday Feeling features.


  1. I have a wedding next year in a zoo! Let's hope my giraffes pose for the camera!

  2. How cool! Fingers crossed for you!

    Editor, Before the Big Day


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