Friday, 7 August 2015

Introducing 77 Diamonds Engagement Rings

When my husband went down on one knee in the snow, he wasn't holding the elegant diamond solitaire I now wear every day, but a giant comedy ring with a rock-shaped stone! He was too nervous to buy my actual ring without me. But then choosing an engagement ring can be an overwhelming business. After a house and a car, it's going to be the third biggest purchase your boyfriend ever makes! Then add in the fact you're going to wear it for the rest of your life..... It's not surprising more and more men are proposing with a temporary fun ring {like my husband!}, and making the trip to the jewellers a joint project. Luckily award-winning jewellers, 77 Diamonds, are here to help.

They've introduced an easy-to-understand Diamond Buying Guide {click on the pic to zoom}, so you can get all the info at home, without the pressure of an over-enthusiastic sales-person. With seven C's to consider, this is definitely a page to accidentally-deliberately leave open on your computer!!

Their brilliant website will help you choose the ring of your dreams, whatever your budget. Now all you need is the Ring Size Chart, and you're good to go! Look out for the vintage-style rings - they're my favourites!!

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