Sunday, 23 January 2011

That Friday Feeling Wedding Web Links ♥ 8

Gosh, it's been a while since I've featured one of my Friday Feeling postings. If you're new to Before the Big Day, let me introduce you to the best of my web-finds this week. They're rich in wedding loveliness and bound to keep you inspired over the weekend. Of course I'm publishing this on a Sunday, but I'm sure you'll forgive me this once, as I'm on holiday!

♥ {Above} Gorgeous Kiss the Groom pictures showcasing Delpine Manivet's latest collection. I'm sorely tempted to buy the Anatole dress for my wedding day in May.

♥ Project Wedding has so many fantastic DIY ideas, it's hard to choose a favourite....but if you insist, try this stationery tutorial.

♥ Why pick a bouquet, when you can have one GIANT flower {via 100 Layer Cake}

♥ You are going to want to copy every detais from this amazing pink-themed boutique wedding {via Rock My Wedding}

♥ A gorgeous eco-chic wedding, you have to see {via OMG I'm Getting Married}

And now for a couple of Vintage Before the Big Day postings!
♥ Ideas for a Little Red Riding Hood theme
♥ Why not add a touch of Flamenco Passion to your big day

Plus don't miss this week's exclusive offers - 10% off your wedding jewellery via Diamond Thrills and 20% of quirky stationery and vintage accessories at Sepia Smiles

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1 comment :

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