Tuesday 19 June 2012

How To Get Fit For Your Wedding Day

{Posting by Alice Cowen, Before the Big Day's Personal Trainer & Nutritionist} If you're getting married this summer, never fear, it's not too late to tone up for your big day. Here are 10 Wedding Fitness Tips from our fabulous Wedding Blog Personal Trainer, Alice Cowen, on how to look good on your wedding day. Even without a wedding day on the way, I'm going to follow these to get bikini ready for the summer!

{Photo Credit} Charlotte Broster via Ruffled

Top 10 Wedding Fitness Tips

1. Don't start training too early, you might lose momentum, 10 to 12 weeks should do it. So if you haven't started your wedding fitness plan yet - it's never to late.

2. Find 2-3 different types of exercise you ENJOY otherwise boredom sets in.

3. Train 4-5 times per week for 45 minutes to an hour to really blitz your bride-to-be body. But don't train everyday, because rest days are just as important for your muscles to recover.

4. Never let yourself become hungry, healthy snacks are the way forward.

5. Stop drinking alcohol, or if you must, drink only one night per week.

6. No Chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks at ALL

7. No second helpings

8. ALWAYS eat breakfast to kick your metabolism off for the day

9. Drink at least 2 litres of water per day

10. Weigh yourself regually so you don't lie to yourself. This way you'll get to see results, which will help you stay in the zone.


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1 comment:

  1. I guess if the bride already had her wedding dress made, she will just have to maintain her figure.


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