Wednesday 8 February 2012

Beautiful Black Wedding Dress

Would you wear a black wedding dress? For most of us, the white dress is {ahem} representative of a bride's traditional innocence, so there's no real necessity to wear one. My sister-in-law wore red, and looked fabulous. I chose to wear white, because I found it hard enough to decide on a white wedding dress, without throwing more variables, like colours, into the mix. I think for an urban wedding, a black wedding dress could look super-sophisticated. What do you think? Gorgeous pictures by Jen Huang.

{Product Credits} Dress: Angel Sanchez; Makeup: Kerry Crawford; Design: Bellafare; Venue: Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall; w/ QuatreCoeur, East Six, A Simple Cake, Angie Garcia, Once Upon A Bride, Lexie Davies {modelling}.

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  1. Absolutely. Black wedding dresses rule. Wish my brides wore them.

  2. I love this look, the black wedding dress is stunning. It has all the elegance and class of the traditional white dress.

  3. Why not?! It may not be for everyone, but if the bride can pull it off with style and grace, she should go for it!

  4. Definitely suits this bride in the photos, anyway! Simply gorgeous. You are right, though - probably more suitable at urban weddings. (And I wish to have brides with different colour dresses this year!)


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